St Christopher’s Cathedral in Bahrain this week hosted a Taizé brother, John Noël, from the ecumenical community in France founded as a movement of reconciliation after the Second World War. The community has developed an incredible ministry to young people, including more recently pastoring to young people who have suffered sexual abuse.
Br John Noël is the Taizé representative for the Middle East, encouraging ecumenical worship and action in the spirit of Taizé. During his stay, he visited a number of churches and met with their Christian leaders, including Bishop Aldo Berardi of AVONA.
Br John Noël came to Bahrain after a visit to the UAE, where he led a Service at St Martin Sharjah. Leading a candlelit Taizé Service with Dean Richard at St Christopher’s Cathedral, he shared a 15-minute video about Taizé.
The following is a prayer from the current Prior of Taizé, Brother Matthew, who is an English Anglican.
“Living God, your love turns us towards Jesus, the one you sent among us so that, created in your image, we might gradually become like him. Risen from the dead, he breathes on us the Holy Spirit, in whom we discover freedom: freedom to love, freedom to live for others. And when we pass through a valley of darkness, you promise to be with us. Be with all people who are suffering from the ravages of war, who are in grief, who have had to leave their homes; for refugees, for those who are afraid, who are hungry. And since you want to guide us in paths of justice, send your Holy Spirit so inspire us with the creativity that can make possible a just peace, in that same image of your Son Jesus, who came not to condemn the world but to save it. Amen.”