A message from the Vacancy-in-See Committee on the progress of its continuing work.
The Committee has met regularly and confidentially by Zoom, and has taken advice from the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Appointments Adviser and a retired bishop with experience of participating in interview processes for the appointment of bishops. We have also had contact with Archbishop Hosam.
The advice we received emphasised the need for a diocesan bishop to be an excellent communicator, teacher and witness. This shaped the task for long-listed candidates. Committee members contributed their experience of recruitment in the church and in the commercial world, always keeping in mind the unique aspects of this Diocese and what is therefore required of the new Bishop.
Those nominated for consideration to be the next Bishop of this Diocese were sent the Diocesan Statement of Need and a Candidate Form, to be completed by those wishing to be considered for the appointment. Aided by a scoring system, candidates were long-listed on the basis of their fit with the Statement of Need, as demonstrated by their submitted Candidate Form.
Each long-listed candidate prepared two presentations, delivered to the Committee by Zoom. Committee members discussed the outcomes, arriving at a short-list on the basis of Candidate Form and presentations.
Short-listed candidates were invited to participate in face-to-face interviews in Cyprus, meeting a group of six Committee members with even representation from Cyprus and the Gulf and proportionate to the clergy/laity mix specified in the Diocesan Constitution. Candidates were provided with additional information about the Diocese to assist in their preparation.
Over the course of two days, candidates participated in:
At the request of the Committee Archbishop Hosam took part in a Zoom call with short-listed candidates, providing comment for the Committee. Conversation continues with a potential candidate.
The Venerable Christopher Futcher