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UAE: celebrating an ordination and the Feast of St Luke

Bishop Sean ordained the Reverend Ikechukwu Innocent Ekpeluchi to the priesthood on Saturday (19 October), in a joyous service at Christ Church Jebel Ali organised by parish priest the Reverend Jim Young and attended by clergy and parishioners from churches across the UAE.

“It was a humbling and profound service,” said Christ Church parishioner Manisha Cornelius, who shared the joy of a church community witnessing the ordination of their “very own” Fr Innocent.

Bishop Sean’s sermon offered guidance to the newly ordained priest, as well as a reminder to the wider congregation of their responsibilities and duty as Christians.

(Click on images below to enlarge photo; story continues below)


The previous day, Bishop Sean presided at a Eucharist to mark the close of a three-day meeting of the board of the Anglican Alliance—an event Christ Church was honoured to host.

Members—including Secretary General of the Anglican Consultative Council and head of the Anglican Communion Office, the Right Reverend Anthony Poggo (third row, second right, below)—were welcomed on their first day by Bishop Sean, who shared an overview of the Diocese, and by parish priest the Reverend Jim Young, who described his ministry and that carried out through Christ Church. (Story continues below.)

On Sunday (20 October), Bishop Sean joined parish priest the Reverend Kent Middleton at St Luke Ras Al Khaimah, presiding at a Patronal Festival Service.

Fr Kent warmly thanked Bishop Sean and his wife, Jenny, for celebrating this special day with the people of St Luke’s.